MOBILE: +33 (0)6 79 01 46 02
OFFICE: +33 (0)6 32 50 58 02 

Chamonix Taxis at night time.

You may be looking forward to a trip to Chamonix in the French Alps or you may already be here. Either way how do you get a taxi in Chamonix at night time. The first (and most important) bit of advise is to Pre-Book your ride in advance. This might not be ideal for some people but it really is the best way, trying to call a taxi in the middle of the night just isn’t going to work. there are many reasons taxis are hard to find in the night time but i will deal with that another time!

During the ski season and the summer season there is normally at least one taxi company providing a night service and they really need to be booked because they can be very busy. There are a number of illegal (non licensed) taxi companies that operate throughout the valley who are not using a taxi meter and will charge eye watering amounts for short trips. As a rule of thumb the official rate for a taxi from Chamonix town to Argentiere town using their taxi-meter will be as follows…..9kms @ 3.35 euros/km (this is set by French authorities and cant be changed) plus 3.35 pick up charge comes to 33.5 euros.

Another option for evening outings is the night bus…this is a great option that costs 2 euros and runs during the peak seasons. just like the taxis though its very important to check this out in advance. Check the time table , be sure you now where the pick up is and get there 10 minutes in advance.

Call us on 00 33 (0)6 79 01 46 02 to book a cab

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