Freeride world tour in St Moritz
After catching our attention in Courmayeur this year the freeride world tour has moved onto St Moritz where conditions were slightly better and there were some interesting results, notably Xavier De Le Rue not winning the mens snowboard! Below is a vid of Matt Annetts winning snowboard run. Followed by Henrik Windstedt’s winning ski run.
How is the snow in Chamonix?
Everyone keeps asking so here is the answer! The Daily Dump Snow Report, Chamonix With an artistic outlook and an aim to be entertaining and diverse “The Daily Dump Snow Report†films with skiers, snowboarders, speed flyers and other mountain adventurists. Bringing you daily photo’s and video’s of current snow conditions in Chamonix.
Is this an El Nina year?
Although its far too early to say that the winter of 2010/2011 is a poor snow year (because we are not even half way through the season yet) some experts are suggesting that this year is an El Nina, the less well known sister to the El Nino. Writing in a US paper one expert […]
Deluxe become partner with Chamonix tourist office!
We have just been informed that our request to become a “Chamonix tourist office” partner has been accepted, this is great news! Â Being a partner with such a large and well regarded establishment also confirms our own status as a legitimate French business in the Chamonix Valley. We will be listed under the “Travel and […]
Clint Eastwood’s film “Hereafter” stars Deluxe Transfers driver!
Clint Eastwood latest movie is due to be shown in Chamonix’s Cinema Vox from Feb 9th. What is extra interesting about this film is that some scenes were filmed here in Chamonix, more exactly “Le Planet” and and some scenes going over the “Col du Montets”. The Chauffeur of the Black BMW “5 series” in […]
Nissan freeride world tour
After being relocated and then postponed the Nissan freeride world tour has at last started this Sunday 23/01/2011.
UTMB results out on Wednesday 19th
For those people crazy enough to want to run around Mt Blanc and cover 166 KM’s the results of the registration draw will take place this Wednesday 19th Jan. Â There is a draw because (hard to believe this) there are too many people wishing to take part! despite the tough registration requirements.
Kandahar in ON
Despite the warm temperatures the world cup down hill in Les Houches is going to take place.
New Blog
Hello and welcome to our new Blog. We will be keeping this up to date on a regular basis with all our latest news and offers. As well as “Deluxe-Transfers” related news we will be posting “Chamonix” news and events too so be sure to check back on a regular basis!